Can you remember your first date with someone you found attractive? I can!
How long did it take you to decide what you’re going to wear, how you would stand, speak, smile, you played it out in your mind, right?
And yet we have this important meeting with a potential client, a good impression to make on our boss, or a job interview for a career move that will improve our lifestyle and we don’t go to as much trouble as our first date.
People size us up quickly and change their minds slowly. Researchers tell us that somewhere between eleven milliseconds and five minutes, people make judgments that do not differ from impressions made after much longer periods.
Dianna Booher says “packaging and preparation can pay off handsomely. Consider the difference packaging makes in how much you are prepared to pay for an item”. Presence has much to do with perception.
Know what works and what doesn’t
Whenever you walk into a room, you assess the scene. Expect others to do the same.