Your people are your greatest assets. We are dedicated to helping you motivate, train, engage and retain your employees.
The first step towards finding the right fit is for the Quay Appointments team to develop an understanding of the client, their work environment and the people currently working there. Through this understanding of the organisation, we will then be able to identify the candidates who best fit the requirements, thus reducing onboarding time and minimise attrition, resulting in an effective recruitment solution.
This process saves time and eliminates any misunderstanding. Once the skills, experience, preferred personality and salary range are established, we will present our shortlist of candidates that will go forward to be interviewed with the client representative.
Quay Appointments has a large database of work ready candidates. We only add candidates to our database after they have been interviewed, tested and reference checked. Additionally, our account managers are skilled at forming accurate position descriptions, advertising, and utilising new technologies to find the best candidate.
All candidates will be screened by our Quay staff before we send them for interview.
All Quay Appointments consultants are trained to develop competency-based interviewing questions and probing interviewing techniques relevant to each role. Using the behavioural interview style, we are able to probe further into experiences, past behaviour, capability, and competency.
Our comprehensive testing, vast range of assessment tools and contextualised training and assessment centre include, but are not limited to, computer skills testing and simulated practice, role-plays, leadership questionnaires psychometric profiling . Our commitment is to our clients and our candidates and for this reason we are thorough, diligent and honest in our appraisal of a candidate’s suitability and capability.
All candidates are reference checked with at least two previous employers once on offer. We can also conduct background checks and qualification verification, as well as criminal record checks and working with children checks where necessary.
Our flexible database and meticulous record keeping ensure that a variety of reports useful for benchmarking, planning and forecasting can be provided. Quay Appointments also hold regular Breakfast Seminars and HR Forums, to assist in the day to day resolution of HR Issues.