If you are looking for a new role or a new client, LinkedIn is where it’s at. The beauty of LinkedIn is that if you write a great personal profile you open yourself up to the opportunity to be found for work. Yes, that’s right, found for work. Potential employers or clients find you – you don’t have to seek, hunt or cold-call for work. A relatively small investment of time to write a profile will be rewarded with opportunities.
A great LinkedIn profile will turn you into a Job Attraction Magnet. You simply need to write a captivating headline, add in an engaging summary, include key achievements and then throw in a few key words and rich media. That’s it, then just wait for the good times and the LinkedIn Inmails to roll on in.
There is a common misconception that LinkedIn is your “online CV”. This is not the case. Firstly, the format for demonstrating your experience and the value you can bring to any potential employer is completely different. Secondly, the platform offers so much more than an opportunity to post your work history. LinkedIn is your online personal brand. It allows you to be sought out for your expertise, expand your professional network, and learn from and engage in conversation with other brilliant minds in your industry and beyond. LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to raise your profile, and, if you are a senior professional or a specialist within your niche, to publish content and position yourself as a Thought Leader. You can use LinkedIn as your own mini-blog.
Many people find LinkedIn a bit of mystery. It needn’t be. Simply read on and we’ll demystify it for you.
You need to create a standout Headline that captures the reader’s attention and ensures they click through to read your profile. You engage them with a summary that connects.
Your experience and achievements Wow them. The rich media on your profile makes it visually appealing and ensures that are enticed to stay on your profile and read on. Finally, your testimonials seal the deal; you really do have what it takes to work with them or for them. Hello new job or new client!
The summary really is your Why – why you do what you do. This is your opportunity to speak directly to your audience. Think about what your target reader needs to know about you. Write about why you do what you do, what excites you and a very high level summary of your career journey. The summary really is your Why – why you do what you do? List your key achievements and what value you can bring to your reader.
You need to include Key Words in your profile to ensure that you are found in search results. Key words are really just the specific words you use to describe your craft or technical skills. They are the words that employers and clients will use when searching for someone with your skill set. It’s super important to get these right so that you are found on LinkedIn and found for the things you want to be found for.
If you are in marketing or sales, you’ll be acutely aware of how important Social Proof is. Testimonials are your social proof on LinkedIn. Although some people are skeptical, for the most part great testimonials hold weight.
Rich media is a fancy word for pictures and videos. Quite simply, if you have images (still or moving) on your profile, people will view your profile for longer.
Include education, volunteer experience and associations. The more you have in your profile, the more likely you are to come up in tailored search results.
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