Last year LinkedIn asked 8,000 professionals what they had thought they wanted to be when they grew up. The survey found that the top childhood dream jobs for men in the U.S. were a professional or Olympic athlete, airplane or helicopter pilot, scientist, lawyer and astronaut. Women said that their top childhood dream jobs were teacher, veterinarian, writer, journalist or novelist, doctor, nurse or EMT, and singer.
The Quay Appointments team’s answer was a little different:
History Teacher, Criminal Lawyer, Psychologist, Hotel manager, Cop, Lecturer, Astronaut, Chirographer, Superman, Ironman, Vet, Fashion Designer, Boss, Flight Attendant, Modal, Voice Over, Marine, Guitarist and Yellow Cab Driver.
The next question I asked the team was “why didn’t you do it?” The responses ranged from:
“I wasn’t smart enough”
“It wasn’t something women did”
“My parents didn’t approve”
“Reality hit me”
“There wasn’t enough money in it”
“I had an accident”
So why do we never work harder to reach the dreams that we set ourselves at such a young age? How do we end up in the jobs that we do?
Have you recently taken an hour to sit back and evaluate where you are now? Are you living the life you wanted for yourself when you were young and fancy free? Why not?
I am not saying you have to be the next kickass and turn your life to fighting crime in order to reach your goal of being superman but why not volunteer and be someone’s hero?
Take time to think about where you would like to be and work to that goal. We had so much time to create fantasies when we were younger and I don’t think we allow ourselves this luxury as we grow up. So go ahead dream about what you want to be when you get EVEN older and work out how to achieve it.
– Written by Deasha Waddup