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What Type Of Candidate Are You?

Jennifer Pitak • October 23, 2019

Have you ever taken a personality test? I know that after I take one, I’m naturally intrigued by my results and will read everything about what it reveals. I’ve always been really interested in these type of tests and wondered how my personality traits would influence my choice in pursuing a compatible career.

Most people have heard of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test, based upon 16 different personality types. Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Are you more of a sensor or an intuitive? Are you a thinker or a feeler? And are you a more of a judger or a perceiver? I always assumed that this test was the holy grail of personality tests, however I still questioned if personality tests were accurate. Maybe they are just categorized in such a way that could be universal. So at the end of the day, is there really a valid value in personality tests? I’ve come to realize that the answer is yes.

It wasn’t until I came to Australia and interned here at Quay Appointments that I learned how much organisations care about a person’s personality. Recruiters use the interview process to really get a feel for a candidate on their personality, abilities, and character. By making them feel as comfortable as possible, recruiters are able to see how a candidate acts and potentially will act in a role.

Aside from an interview, companies also want to get an all-round feel for their candidates. I’m talking about a psychometric assessment. These types of assessments take both a personality test and an aptitude test and combines it into one. More often now, companies will implement different versions of psychometric assessments to measure a person’s compatibility for a role and even their suitability within the organisation as a whole. It is a test based upon personality traits and intellectual capabilities. Though they can sometimes be lengthy, companies can test candidates on various types of reasoning such as numerical, logical, verbal, etc. and assess a candidates personality type as well.

Companies are looking for honest answers. They want to see if the candidate matches their company’s trend and environment or if the candidate would actually bridge or fix a gap in their company’s dynamic. The personality portion of an assessment is purposed to see how well a candidate does at making decisions, persevering, and being thorough amongst other categories.

If a company asks you to take this test, don’t fret too much. Remember that companies don’t base their decisions solely on an assessment like this. They just use it to further evaluate and weigh their options. This assessment provides them with an all-around view of what a candidate has to offer. So, whether you are an extrovert or an introvert or if you are a thinker or a feeler, just be yourself and put your best foot forward.

It amazes me how the idea of administering a personality test, even in the form of a psychometric assessment, has grown more common over the years. More companies are using this technique and through my internship with Quay Appointments, it has truly opened my eyes to the field of recruitment from a different perspective. The things I wouldn’t normally think about from the side of the candidate has been brought to my attention and has given me insight into what career I want to pursue after college. It has made me ask myself, “what type of a candidate am I?” instead of “what type of candidate do they want me to be.”

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