So Yes…It is October but I am still going to ask the dreaded question…What is your New Year’s Resolution?
How many resolutions have you made that you have simply forgotten about? Well I would like to start a revolution. I would like to start the thought process right now. Make it your Halloween resolution then by New Year the process will be in full swing and you can think positive thoughts as you go into 2015.
Imagine starting the new year with the dream job you wanted, or knowing you are over the hard bit of quitting smoking and have a whole year of smoke free lungs ahead of you, how about knowing that you have already started that saving fun with left over money from Christmas and you are well on the way to saving for your next holiday.
I asked around the Quay Appointments office what their New Year’s Resolutions were and I got some funny looks. The general consensus was that it was too early, when I explained my theory I was laughed at. Some knew that they were not going to keep them anyway so they didn’t need the reminder in December.
Here were some of the resolutions that were made in the office:
I will come back to the office in December and see how everyone is going with their New Year’s Resolution. Imagine starting the New Year knowing you have already achieved what you set out. You can then start the New Year safe in the knowledge that the only way is up.
Written by Deasha Waddup