With the economy picking up and employees feeling more confident with job prospects, what are organisations doing to ensure potential employees are attracted to your brand? Are they keeping their staff are engaged? Do they want to continue working for you?
Find out more at our 3rd HR Forum!
Corporate Branding, Attracting & Retaining Good Staff Facilitators: Tim Grogan & Gabrielle Droulers Date: 17th March 2011 Time: 2:45pm to 5:00pm Cost: Free Location: Quay Appointments’ office – Level 7, 200 George Street, Sydney 2000 RSVP: 14th March 2011
Tim Grogan is Head of Talent and Consulting at Adcorp www.adcorp.com.au Graduating from Monash University with a Bachelor of Business with Honours, Tim began his corporate career with Ernst & Young as a management consultant. From there Tim worked overseas for a multinational marketing organisation responsible for the management of the European promotional marketing business, with a specific focus on sales. After 3 successful years in London, Tim returned to Australia as the National Marketing Manager for the promotional marketing division. Tim joined Adcorp in 2006 as a Senior Business Development Manager in Victoria quickly identified the strategic opportunities to develop an innovative approach to employment communications. Tim is now Head of Employer Branding with Adcorp.
Gabrielle Droulers BA, MA is Director of the Centre for Career Development www.cfcd.com.au a national Human Resources consulting firm committed to helping organisations effectively manage and develop their workforce. She has a Masters degree in Human Resources and Organisational Development and a Bachelors degree in Communications. She has over 20 years of Australian and US corporate consulting and training experience in training design and delivery, 360 degree feedback, competency modeling, facilitation, executive coaching, leadership development, career development, performance consulting and team building.
The HR forum is run on a quarterly basis and has been developed to provide support to HR Professionals. These interactive forums are dedicated to providing a networking and information sharing opportunity focusing on relevant day to day HR issues. Benefits of participating include sharing concerns and challenges, establishing collective solutions and learning from specialists
For more information and to book your place (seats are limited) please feel free to contact Alban at 9251 7339.