I recently attended a seminar all about creating an empire. The speaker was Sarah Wilson. You may have heard of her, she is an Australian media icon. Long story short she has moved from the editor at Cosmopolitan Australia to entrepreneur starting with blogs, ebooks and more recently print books. Sarah Wilson claims that she didn’t aim for any of this to happen it just went that way.
During question time a lady put her hand up and explained her situation…wedding blogger with over 600,000 followers… she then proceeded to ask when did Sarah know that she should be monetising her blog. Sarah’s response was you should know that when you reach impressive followers like yourself you should do something about it.
This answer got me thinking. How many people could do great things and just haven’t realised it? An article on BRW about women to watch quoted a 21 year old entrepreneur saying “If I had the idea now, I don’t think I’d do it in the same way because your attitude to risk changes.” Is this the reason why as people get older instead of taking the career change they had been thinking about or those new jobs they are not sure they will succeed in, they settle into a job they know they can do?
You will have seen the movie Yes Man, an employee of Virgin Active in London had been teaching Sam (Richard Bransons son) tennis when he received a phone call from Sam asking if he wanted to teach in Mecca. Sam at the time was sat in his car with rain beating down on him in central London. He thought why not Mecca will not be this bad. It wasn’t Mecca that Sam had been talking about but Necker.
Necker is Richard Bransons private island in the British Virgin Islands. This tennis coach in central London then ended up spending 2 years in paradise in what he called the best tennis coaching job in the world. All he did was say yes to an opportunity that could have seen him in the heart of a Muslim Mecca.
The point I guess I am trying to make is what have you said yes to recently? Have you taken a leap of faith at work? Have you tried to move out of the role that you are stuck in? Perhaps it is time you pushed outside of your comfort zone and reached for a job that you could shine and excel in. Why don’t you contact a Quay Appointments Consultant today and see what opportunities might be waiting for you.
– Written by Deasha Waddup