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Blogging? How to write it? How do I do it?

Sujatha Madhan • September 7, 2016

For a beginner to write a blog, first let’s look at what a blog is;

“Blog” is an abbreviated version of “weblog,” Blogging is one of the oldest forms of Social Media, which is a term used to describe websites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. Basically it is an online journal or diary that is related to you, your brand and your industry.

Now who writes a blog? A person who likes to record and share knowledge on their subject matter of expertise with good narrative and persuasive skill writes a blog. There are few things to be considered when writing a blog;


To do this, you must first ask yourself this question, who are your target readers? Once that is settled, you can find your specific space or niche category and be the expert on it. 

Be yourself and connected

What sets bloggers apart from newspaper articles and feeds is writing style . Let your readers get to know you and hear you through your words. Your content is what draws attention and your style in writing is what will keep the readers interested.

Selecting a topic may be the hardest part to writing a blog. To keep ideas fresh, create a list of every possible thought that pops into your head at random moments. Keep them on your desktop, laptop, smartphone, notepad or even write them on a napkin if this works for you. Then transfer regularly to your master list.

Battling with topic

Create a working headline, crafting a headline keeps you focused on your topic and your purpose. Even if you end up re-wording your headline, this should be the main focus point.

Having trouble? Write one sentence that describes the topic and the value you’ll provide. Now try variations in rapid succession for 5 or 10 minutes. Just let go and write freely. Sooner or later you’ll get a few good ones. Finally decide on one and go with it. 

Lateral Thinking and Brainstorming

Helps you choose and develop two or three main points associated with your topic, generate a list of every step, idea, concept, or element that comes to mind and list them all.

What’s important? What’s not? If you can only think of one or two key points, your topic might be too narrow. What’s the big picture? Can one of those points be developed into two? If you need, list 25 steps to be systematic, narrow it down or combine them.

Do some quick research, if needed, and use your headline as search terms. Then sketch out a rough draft that gives your readers the information they need to know.


Leaving the introduction for next-to-last or last is great because you’ve warmed up to your topic. How many times have you wrestled with beginnings? By now you’ve caught a rhythm and have your readers in mind. You’re talking to them, thinking of them, imagining what it’s like to be in their shoes. Your introduction should create a scenario that invites readers in. Show you care and understand the reader’s problem with lively, empathetic writing. It doesn’t have to be long or elaborate. Just tell your readers what’s ahead and how you’ll solve the problem or provide some answers.

Share useful links within your blog

Whether you are linking to other blogs or websites that contain great information or linking to past posts on your own site, do it whenever you can. This will help not only increase your clicks but also help with your blog’s search engine rankings.


Content is equally important as the readers are expecting to get some useful inputs reading your blog. Make sure you stick to your topic and deliver. Adding more content doesn’t help you get more readers. The math just doesn’t work. You don’t have to create content, day in, day out. You just have to work on getting the content you already have in the hands of more people. The secret lies in your ability to promote the content you already have.

Tools to help you do effective Blog writing : Internet has become a universal home of answers for most of our questions. Check out the links listed below which can guide and help you build your blog:BuzzSumo, Quick Sprout, Trello, Google Calendar, Evernote 

Add Pictures

While readers come to your blog for information and personality, they also need to be stimulated visually. Not all posts will lead themselves to an image, but when they do, take advantage of it. We can use pictures online for Free!!


Sum up your main idea, and tell your readers what to do next. Offer encouragement or tips on how to reach the goal. Express hope that at least a few of your points struck a chord, resonated deeply, or seemed helpful. Even a sentence or two about your own struggles can be great: “You know, I’ve been there. It’s frustrating, but when you master these steps like I have, you’ll be free of that problem forever.”

Review and Proof Read

The most important part of your post is to check that you’ve given equal attention to all your key points. Read out loud: Is it smooth? Lively? Be sure you’ve included all necessary steps or points and developed them effectively. Don’t forget to check grammar and punctuation.

When you’re done writing, proofread carefully for spelling, capitalization, list numbers, extra spaces, and missing or doubled-up words. Nobody’s perfect, but many bloggers would have 100% better posts if they’d take the time to edit and proofread.

Final leap

Post the Blog, that wasn’t so hard, was it? Proofread again in your blog’s preview mode. Try a different format, you’re likely to spot something you didn’t notice before.

Be sure to double-check your formatting, text wrap for graphics, photo credits (if any), and your metadata. And proofread that data description before search engines or Facebook snag it!

Retort to blog comments

This is an opportunity to connect directly with the people who are reading your work. Not all comments need a response but be sure to respond to ones that do. And sometimes it’s worth just popping on and posting “Thanks for reading my blog.” Be open for Comments from people be it positive or negative, if positive criticism thank your reader, if negativ
e criticism take it as a learning curve . Remember blog is a public diary.

Reach out to Public

Post your blog in all social media fields like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ , Linked in groups and on all possible avenues.
Don’t be afraid to use social media to promote your posts. Anything that makes it easier for potential readers to find your blog is a must (and friends and family def
initely qualify as potential readers).

So now we know how to write a blog ? so what’s stopping you? Now get blogging !

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