Everyday there are an unlimited number of networking breakfasts, lunches, dinners, seminars, workshops to attend. Your budget probably determines how many of these you can afford to attend. More often than not your positive mindset determines the outcomes in attending these functions.
Many people arrive at these events stressed, angry, basically not wanting to be there. What they don’t realise is they do themselves a disservice being there because all they will attract is negative people like themselves. They are almost guaranteed to have a miserable time. So how can you maximise your attendance at these events?
1. Decide why you are attending this event. What do you want to get out of it? Is there a specific person you want to meet? Are you looking for a certain service provider?
The clearer you are on why you are going, the more chance you have of achieving it.
2. Remember to take your business cards. A business card that clearly states your name, what you do and your contact details is imperative for effective networking.
In Singapore business cards are called name cards. Give your business card to the person you are meeting as part of your introduction, “Hi, I’m Robyn Henderson, I’m a global networking specialist.”. That is as much as you are going to say about yourself, unless they ask.
3. Don’t sell your product or services at the event. Rather if the person expresses interest, suggest that you phone them to discuss further. You cannot control the situation and you may find “dinner is served” is announced mid pitch and you have lost a great opportunity to make a sale. No one wants to be sold to.
4. Have quality conversations rather than quantity. If there are 50 people at the event, don’t expect to speak to all fifty. Be content with a quality conversation with 5-7 people who the next day will look at your card and remember you and what you spoke about, and more importantly remember you the next time they see you.
5. The best networkers are the best listeners. Anyone will speak to you for ten minutes if you are not speaking about yourself.
6. Listen to the latest news or talk back radio on your way to the event, so that you have a couple of interesting current topics to talk about.
7. Avoid talking about work. 80% of the population don’t get recognition on the job and don’t want to speak about their job at all.
8. Always make eye contact when you are speaking to someone.
Robyn Henderson is the author of best sellers Networking Magic & How To Master Networking.
For a complimentary copy of her newsletter fax 61 2 9369.1053 or phone 61 2 9369.1053
Article written by Robin Henderson and posted by Quay Appointments Recruitment Agency.