While you both come to work to do a good job, something is getting lost in the translation.
Is it their entire fault? Not quite! It’s time for you to step up too.
Five reasons why your manager may appear difficult
3. They don’t know it’s their job to develop you. As a junior, success is about growing yourself. As a people-leader, success is about growing others. Not all managers understand this, nor have they been supported to make this transition.
4. They’re under pressure. When leaders are under pressure—stressed, time-short—they have less mental bandwidth. Managing staff well can often fall into the ‘non-essential’ category and so the focus is lost.
5. They’re not perfect. Just like you, they are a work-in-progress, and lack certain skills.
So how can you help them to help you?
Difficult managers aren’t fun. What are you willing to do to shift the working relationship?
Go fearlessly