2023 Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do I need to be an Australia Citizen?

    You must be an Australian Citizen to be on the Australian electoral roll. To work at an election, you need to be on the electoral roll. You can check your enrolment details on NSWEC website.  We have limited opportunities if you are not on the electoral roll. 

  • Do I have to do a data entry test?

    Yes. All applicants will be sent a link to complete an online numeric and alpha/numeric data entry test. The results will be used to assess which job you are best suited to carry out. 

  • What if my data entry test is score is not fast enough? Will I still be considered for other vacancies at the Dec Vote Count Centre?

    If your data entry scores do not meet the data entry minimum requirement, you will be considered for other positions in the Dec Vote Count Centre more suitably matched to your experience and skills. 

  • Do I have to be politically impartial?

    The NSW Electoral Commission is committed to maintaining public confidence in the integrity of the electoral system. They expect employees refrain from membership of any political party and from engaging in political activity which could be seen as reflecting adversely on the strict political neutrality of the NSW Electoral Commission. Applicants who are seen to be or are active in political activities should disclose such information as part of their application. 

  • Do I need to be vaccinated to work at the Elections?

    The NSW Electoral Commission are complying with the current NSW Health regulations to safeguard the health and safety of election staff, scrutineers and other political participants and to protect from the further spread of COVID-19. All workers must be vaccinated for COVID-19. You must have received a minimum of two doses of the vaccination and produce evidence of your vaccination status. 

  • Do I need to have a computer to complete the application process?

    You will require access to a computer and the internet to complete online testing, Group Induction, Interview and job training.

    Note: a keyboard with a numerical pad would be recommended.

  • What if I can’t work all days?

    Preference will be given to applicants who can work all days. Some jobs are shorter term.

  • Will I have to pay for parking?

    Yes, parking is of your own expense. 

    Staff are encouraged to travel to and from work by public transport. 

    There is no onsite parking available at the ICC.

  • Am I required to lift or move heavy objects whilst working for the Elections?

    Election staff will be required to undertake manual handling in many of the jobs in the Dec Vote Count Centre. Safe work training will be provided, and all staff will be encouraged to practice safe handling techniques when working with heavy items.  

  • Will training be provided?

    Training will be provided in a combination of online and on the job. 

    The online training is mandatory and must be completed prior to commencement of your first day of work. 

    Quay Appointments will distribute online training logins, provide training support, assist with login problems, and monitor training completion rates.  

  • How do I complete the Electoral Roll Verification?

    To work at an election, you need to be on the Australian electoral roll. 

    We require a copy of your enrolment to progress your application.

    We have prepared a video to assist you with accessing your enrolment details. Please click on the link below to view:


    Instructions for sharing your Electoral Roll 

    1. Use link below to verify you are on the Electoral Roll


    2. Take a screen shot or photo as proof 

    3. Send copy to Quay by clicking on the link below

  • How do I access Astute using 2FA?

  • How do I complete my timesheet each week?

    Whilst working on site, you will log your time on the DEPUTY APP at the start and end of your shift

    To download Deputy:

    APPLE STORE - click here

    GOOGLE PLAY - click here

  • When will I receive my logins to LearnUpon Online training?

    1 to 2 weeks out from your start date you will receive an email with your logins to LearnUpon, Quay Appointments online training portal.

  • When will I receive my logins to Astute Payroll Portal?

    Quay Appointments will email your Astute User Details one week prior to starting work. Please make sure you enter your bank, tax and superannuation details accurately into the system. 

    To access Astute you will require two factor authentication application. 

    Click here for 2FA help: https://www.loom.com/share/3ee1dc64edcf42d2b6fe9463f90d3816

  • What is the Quay Appointments default Superannuation fund?

    Our default Superannuation fund is Prime Super. USI: 60562335823001

**Interview spaces for the 2024 NSW Local Gov Elections is fully booked for now. We will re-evaluate at the end of July before releasing more.**


Quay Appointments is proud to announce its partnership with NSW Electoral Commission for staffing the 2023 NSW State Elections. 

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