According to a scientific study, recruiters spend “6 seconds before they make the initial ‘fit or no fit’ decision” (The Ladders, 2012) on candidates. The study analysed recruiter’s decision making behaviour by using a scientific technique called eye tracking. Based on that result it is tremendously important to make those few minutes count. By tailoring your resume to the specific job description you want, potential employers need to get the most information from your resume as quickly as possible. In the following I am going to present 3 ways to tailor your resume to the position.
First of all, print the job description out. By having the job description in front of you, you will find out about the job’s requirements and expectations and you are able to refer back to it at any time. This is crucial information for the hiring manager, since this person is looking for someone who understands the job specification. By including this information in your resume, you can confirm this and increase your opportunity of getting invited for an interview. Therefore, do not underestimate the first step of reading the job description carefully.
2. Present your relevant Achievements, Experiences and Skills
Secondly stop for achievements, experiences and skills that you have acquired while reading through the job description. Make a note of everything you have experienced and are skilled in relating back to the job description – bear in mind experiences are not limited to previous jobs but also include voluntary work for example. This is crucial information that needs to be included in your resume.
3. Customise your Information to the Position
When you have finished steps one and two it is time to customise your information to the position. Take your notes about relevant achievements, experiences and skills acquired and include these in your resume. Use key words here, since most recruitment agencies use a specific recruitment software, which identifies key words in your resume. If you are not able to show the relevant key words that match the job description you may never get a call back.
To conclude you will receive more attention with your customised resume from the recruiter. By tailoring your resume to the position you demonstrate serious interest in the job opportunity and you are the best candidate. Make your resume last longer than 6 seconds!
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