I interviewed a candidate recently and he told me how proud he was to be represented by Quay Appointments – the reason being, his wife had been represented almost five years ago by one of our consultants and she was happy to refer her husband to us. He mentioned the consultants name several times throughout our conversation and was keen to be represented by a consultant at Quay Appointments.
This got me thinking – ‘isn’t it so important to represent your own personal brand to its absolute best’. Although this particular consultant represented Quay Appointments, he was also representing his own personal brand. What this consultant promised, he followed through… when he said he would call, he called. Everything he could do to make this a memorable experience for his candidate, he did it… And this is why people referred his name and his organisation to their colleagues & friends – because of his excellent customer service.
I decided to think of a few steps to ensure I am on the right track to represent my brand, the way I would want my brand to be spoken about in the market…In other words, what would my customers say about me?
Step 1: Listen to what other expect of you – (candidates, clients, managers, teachers, parents etc) – communication is key!
Step 2: Understand what is expected, then suggest what you can or can’t do. Never exceed your abilities or give false promises, you are effecting your personal brand here remember.
Step 3: Put an action plan is place, and agree with that person(s) what will be done & when it will be done. Planning is key here – both parties must understand What, Where, When, Who & Why (The 5 W’s).
Step 4: Follow your plan through to the end – if this is not the outcome that was expected – refer back to you steps.
If you have followed all these steps correctly, then you have lived up to your expectations. You have done what you said you would – 9 times out of 10 your effort will be appreciated & you will have promoted a positive personal brand for yourself.
After all, we cannot help everyone in this world but we can put in the effort for those willing to help us to help them.
This can be relevant to any recruitment consultants out there, any candidates looking for new opportunities in the market & any companies looking to hire – represent your personal brand to its absolute best.