It’s so very easy to make mistakes while job seeking. Even seasoned professionals can struggle some when in the midst of a job search. Don’t be discouraged if you think you’ve made some mistakes along the way. Job seeking is like working a job; you’re always fine-tuning your skills. But before you start searching again, consider the following seven job seeking errors you want to avoid:
1. Searching without organization: It’s a great idea to organize your search so you know which companies you want to apply to, why you’re choosing them, and why they should choose you. Having this type of organization helps you write great resumes and helps you to choose companies and positions that suit you best.
2. Forgetting to check your references: Some hiring managers find candidates list references without ensuring the person actually would recommend them for the job—not good, since some references may not have great feedback to offer.
3. Choosing to close off job options: It’s always a good idea to apply for multiple positions. Just because you think you’re perfect for a job doesn’t mean a manager will think so. To play it safe, keep your options open.
4. Avoiding temporary jobs: Many professionals have acquired great permanent positions from temporary jobs. In fact, some employers prefer to hire from within—even from their contractor pool—so don’t overlook this option.
5. Using your work e-mail on your resume: Employers don’t like to see a candidate readily willing to use company resources when fulfilling personal objectives. So if you don’t already have a professional e-mail address, set one up that either uses your full name only (e.g. or some variation with a title (e.g.
6. Not utilizing networking resources: If you don’t have a networking pool to turn to—both online and offline—then you’re not fully utilizing your resources. Your friends, family, former co-workers, and strangers in your field are there to help. So keep up with networking associates and grant them favors when asked. Also join social networking clubs and organizations to acquire more buddies.
7. Failing to send out a thank you note: To most job seekers, a thank-you note is the last thing on their minds. This is exactly why it’s a mistake to not send one! Get it done by e-mail or snail mail. And don’t forget to thank everyone—hiring managers, non-hiring managers, secretaries—everyone.
There is no doubt that conducting a job search is like working a job itself; you have a lot of work to do to get hired. Minimizing minor errors along the way works wonders in making your job easier. So keep working hard on your search—and don’t give up—because your next great job is just around the corner!
Article written by Jessica
Holbrook Hernandez and posted by Quay Appointments.