If you have ever found yourself asking the question, “Should I use a recruitment agency?” We want to share with you with 5 reasons why the answer to that question should be; YES.
1. Candidates
Candidates are important in the recruitment game, we take the time to listen and understand what the candidate is looking for, know their work ethic, strengths and capabilities and have open and honest relationships. This allows us to address their objections and concerns before, during and throughout the recruitment process, ensuring a positive outcome for both client and candiate
Our candidates are interviewed, reference checked and tested before being sent for a role. They are prepared and educated on the hiring company (as we have already invested time to understand the needs of the business and what is important to them) and we hide no aspect of the role to them. What you see is what you get. This saves the hiring company time on meeting with candidates that are not a right fit for the business.
We know the trends of companies in industry vertical markets and may have candidates on our books looking for a change. This gives the hiring company access to a particular set of skills with industry knowhow. Our networks stretch far and wide and through our strong candidate relationships, referrals are the best way to find you people who aren’t actively looking. As the saying goes; Good people refer good people.
2. Cost Effective
Like most people, we find the most expensive item you spend is ‘Your time’ We understand how valuable time is & the cost impact to the business if you spend majority of your day screening resumes and interviewing candidates. This is part of the reason why you hire a recruitment agency to complete this time consuming work in a professional manner for you. A common objective to using agencies is that we are too expensive. I challenge you to calculate how much per hour “you” would cost versus our fees. You may be surprised how a recruitment agency fees compare in the end versus your time cost. Of course there are many hiring companies that use a Cost vs Value model and this in many cases this leads them to outsource the recruitment process. In temp recruitment we payroll the candidates and take care of on costs saving your payroll team additional work.
3. Diligent with Time
We work to your deadlines and in most cases are successful in finding you what you want quickly. We work hard, we work smart and we understand the impact on your business by not having the best person in the vacant role. On top of this, it’s worth remembering that most recruitment agencies are paid by results. Therefore, if the hiring company isn’t 100% satisfied with the candidate from the recruitment process – they pay $0 – imagine if you could do that with your internal recruitment team?
4. Experts in the Industry
We have consultants who specialise in particular areas of work specialism, such as Accounting, Sales, ICT & Business Support meaning we have inside knowledge of trends in that vertical market within your industry. We understand the skills and experience you are looking for in a candidate and how to demonstrate the value they will add to your organisation for a particular job. You are not going to leave the most valuable asset of your business (your people) to chance by not dealing with a specialist in that field, are you?
5. We like what we do
Finally, we enjoy our jobs and take pride in providing exceptional service to both our clients and candidates. We demonstrate passion and accountability in our work, we show respect and will support you through your next recruitment start to finish.